Learn danish : Winter lesson with sentences in table

learn danish online: Winter lesson

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Learn danish : Winter lesson

List of sentences about Winter

 there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence.

Below is a list of 30 Winter related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking danish from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real danish conversations. You will finally understand every danish word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.

These sentences cover a range of common  used in Winter in Danish.

 Winter in  danish 
Danish SentenceEnglish Translation
1. Vinteren i Danmark kan være meget kold.Winter in Denmark can be very cold.
2. Sneen dækker landskabet med et hvidt tæppe.The snow covers the landscape with a white blanket.
3. Iskolde vinde blæser gennem landskabet.Icy winds blow through the landscape.
4. Træernes grene er dækket af rimfrost om morgenen.The branches of the trees are covered with hoarfrost in the morning.
5. Søerne fryser til tykke islag om vinteren.The lakes freeze into thick layers of ice in winter.
6. Børnene bygger snemænd i gården.The children build snowmen in the yard.
7. Skiløb er en populær vintersport.Skiing is a popular winter sport.
8. Mørket forårsager vinterdepression.Darkness causes winter depression.
9. Det sneer ofte på juleaften.It often snows on Christmas Eve.
10. Kulden bider i kinderne udenfor.The cold bites at your cheeks outside.
11. Sneen falder tungt fra himlen.The snow falls heavily from the sky.
12. Varmen fra saunaen føles særligt godt om vinteren.The warmth from the sauna feels especially good in winter.
13. At stå på skøjter på søen er sjovt.Ice skating on the lake is fun.
14. Julebelysningen lyser op de mørke aftener.The Christmas lights brighten up the dark evenings.
15. Termometeret falder under nul grader.The thermometer drops below zero degrees.
16. Snevejret kan lukke veje og skoler.The snowstorm can close roads and schools.
17. Isblomster dannes på vinduerne.Ice flowers form on the windows.
18. Frost glimter i morgensolen.Frost sparkles in the morning sun.
19. Snestormen skaber en vinterdrøm.The snowstorm creates a winter dream.
20. Pulversne dækker landskabet.Powder snow covers the landscape.
21. Huer og handsker holder dig varm udenfor.Hats and gloves keep you warm outside.
22. Sneen knirker under fødderne, når du går.The snow creaks underfoot when you walk.
23. Ishockey er populært om vinteren.Ice hockey is popular in winter.
24. Kulden får kinderne til at blive røde.The cold makes your cheeks turn red.
25. Bjørnene vågner op fra vinterdvalen sultne.Bears waking up from hibernation are hungry.
26. At kælke er børnenes foretrukne vinteraktivitet.Sledding is children's favorite winter activity.
27. Snefnug hvirvler ned fra himlen.Snowflakes swirl down from the sky.
28. Vinterdagene er korte i nord.Winter days are short in the north.
29. Julelysene lyser op de mørke vinteraftener.The Christmas lights illuminate the dark winter evenings.
30. Sneen knitrer under støvlerne.The snow crunches under the boots.

I hope you find these sentences useful for learning winter vocabulary in Danish!

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