Learn danish grammar: Indirekte tale (Indirect speech) with sentences in table

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Learn danish : grammar Indirekte tale (Indirect speech) lesson 

List of sentences about Indirect speech

There will be exa these terms are used in a sentence...

  Here is a list of 30 Indirekte tale (Indirect speech) related phrases. If you can memorize it, you will be able to talk comfortably at grammar without a problem.

I hope you find this table helpful for understanding various grammar points related to Grammar in danish!

 Indirekte tale (Indirect speech)  in danish  
Danish SentenceEnglish Translation
Han sagde, at han ville gå til butikken.He said that he would go to the store.
Hun fortalte mig, at hun ville tage til Frankrig.She told me that she would go to France.
Læreren forklarede, at lektionen ville starte kl. 10.The teacher explained that the lesson would start at 10.
Han spurgte, om vi kunne udsætte mødet.He asked if we could postpone the meeting.
Hun fortalte ham, at hun planlagde at flytte.She told him that she was planning to move.
Guiden sagde, at turen ville starte i morgen.The guide said that the tour would start tomorrow.
Han spurgte mig, om jeg kunne hjælpe ham med lektierne.He asked me if I could help him with his homework.
Hun forklarede, at hun havde mistet sine nøgler.She explained that she had lost her keys.
Han fortalte os, at han havde fået jobbet.He told us that he had gotten the job.
Hun spurgte, om vi kunne mødes med hende på restauranten.She asked if we could meet her at the restaurant.
Chef'en forklarede, at virksomheden var i vækst.The manager explained that the company was growing.
Han fortalte mig, at han allerede havde læst bogen.He told me that he had already read the book.
Hun spurgte, om vi kunne hjælpe hende med flytningen.She asked if we could help her with the move.
Læreren informerede klassen om, at der ville være en prøve næste uge.The teacher informed the class that there would be a test next week.
Han forklarede, at han havde misset sit fly.He explained that he had missed his flight.
Hun sagde, at hun ville besøge sine forældre i weekenden.She said that she would visit her parents during the weekend.
Han fortalte mig, at han ville gå i biografen i aften.He told me that he would go to the movies tonight.
Guiden forklarede, at turen ville vare cirka to timer.The guide explained that the tour would last about two hours.
Hun spurgte, om vi kunne ledsage hende til koncerten.She asked if we could accompany her to the concert.
Han sagde, at han havde lavet sine lektier.He said that he had done his homework.
Hun fortalte mig, at hun havde mistet sin telefon.She told me that she had lost her phone.
Læreren sagde, at prøven ville være næste uge.The teacher said that the test would be next week.
Han forklarede, at han ikke havde tid til at hjælpe.He explained that he didn't have time to help.
Hun fortalte mig, at hun havde fået et nyt job.She told me that she had found a new job.
Chef'en forklarede, at projektet var blevet forsinket.The manager explained that the project was delayed.
Han spurgte, om vi kunne mødes med ham på stationen.He asked if we could meet him at the station.
Hun sagde, at hun havde lånt sine bøger til en ven.She said that she had lent her books to a friend.
Han fortalte os, at han havde tjekket sin e-mail.He told us that he had checked his email.
Guiden forklarede, at museet var lukket om mandagen.The guide explained that the museum was closed on Mondays.
Hun spurgte, om vi kunne hjælpe hende med hendes præsentation.She asked if we could help her with her presentation.
Han sagde, at han havde glemt sine nøgler.He said that he had forgotten his keys.

I hope these examples help you understand indirect speech in Danish sentences!

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