Learn norwegian grammar: Komparativ (Comparative) with sentences in table

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Grammar Komparativ (Comparative)  lesson

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Learn norwegian : grammar lesson

List of sentences about the Learn 

 Grammar Komparativ (Comparative) 

 there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence..

Below is a list of 30 grammar Komparativ (Comparative)  related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking norwegian from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real norwegian conversations. You will finally understand every norwegian word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.

 learn norwegian Important grammar Komparativ (Comparative)  in sentences

These sentences cover a range of common verbs used in everyday conversation in Norwegian. I hope you find this table helpful for understanding various grammar points in Norwegian!
Norwegian SentenceEnglish Translation
Han er raskere enn meg.He is faster than me.
Denne boken er tykkere enn den forrige.This book is thicker than the previous one.
Hun er eldre enn broren sin.She is older than her brother.
Dette fjellet er høyere enn det andre.This mountain is higher than the other one.
Denne byen er større enn landsbyen.This city is larger than the village.
Han er sterkere enn noen andre på laget.He is stronger than anyone else on the team.
Denne uken har vært varmere enn forrige uke.This week has been warmer than last week.
Huset er renere nå enn det var i går.The house is cleaner now than it was yesterday.
Denne filmen er morsommere enn den forrige.This movie is funnier than the previous one.
Denne opplevelsen var mer spennende enn jeg trodde.This experience was more exciting than I thought.
Denne restauranten er billigere enn den andre.This restaurant is cheaper than the other one.
Han er flinkere til å spille gitar enn meg.He is better at playing the guitar than me.
Denne oppgaven er enklere enn den forrige.This task is easier than the previous one.
Bilene er dyrere nå enn de var for et år siden.The cars are more expensive now than they were a year ago.
Denne bygningen er eldre enn den ved siden av.This building is older than the one next to it.
Vannet er kaldere om vinteren enn om sommeren.The water is colder in winter than in summer.
Denne telefonen er mer avansert enn den gamle.This phone is more advanced than the old one.
Denne leksjonen er mer utfordrende enn den forrige.This lesson is more challenging than the previous one.
Hun er mer tålmodig nå enn hun var før.She is more patient now than she was before.
Denne øvelsen er lettere enn den ser ut.This exercise is easier than it looks.
Han er mer motivert enn noen andre i klassen.He is more motivated than anyone else in the class.
Denne frukten er søtere enn den andre.This fruit is sweeter than the other one.
Denne veien er kortere enn den alternative ruten.This road is shorter than the alternative route.
Han er mer erfaren i jobben sin nå enn før.He is more experienced in his job now than before.
Denne sangen er mer populær enn den forrige.This song is more popular than the previous one.
Denne løsningen er bedre enn den gamle.This solution is better than the old one.
Han er mer interessert i historie enn i matematikk.He is more interested in history than in mathematics.
Denne metoden er mer effektiv enn den vi brukte før.This method is more effective than the one we used before.
Denne ideen er mer kreativ enn den forrige.This idea is more creative than the previous one.
Hun er mer dedikert til studiene nå enn tidligere.She is more dedicated to her studies now than before.
Denne kaffen er sterkere enn den vi drakk i går.This coffee is stronger than the one we had yesterday.

I hope these examples help you understand comparatives in Norwegian sentences!

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