Learn danish grammar: Komparativ (Comparative) with sentences in table

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Learn danish : grammar Komparativ (Comparative) lesson

List of sentences about grammar 

 there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence.

Below is a list of 30 grammar Komparativ (Comparative) related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking danish from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real danish conversations. You will finally understand every danish word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.

I hope you find this table helpful for understanding various grammar points related  in Danish!

 Grammar Komparativ (Comparative)  in  danish
Danish SentenceEnglish Translation
Hundens pels er blødere end kattens.The dog's fur is softer than the cat's.
Denne bog er interessantere end den anden.This book is more interesting than the other one.
Hendes hus er større end vores.Her house is bigger than ours.
Denne opgave er lettere end den forrige.This task is easier than the previous one.
Denne by er mindre travl end hovedstaden.This city is less busy than the capital.
Den gamle film er mere nostalgisk end de nye.The old movie is more nostalgic than the new ones.
Din cykel er hurtigere end min.Your bike is faster than mine.
Hendes arbejde er mere udfordrende end hans.Her job is more challenging than his.
Denne restaurant er billigere end den fancy.This restaurant is cheaper than the fancy one.
Han er mere tålmodig end jeg troede.He is more patient than I thought.
Denne vej er kortere end den normale rute.This road is shorter than the usual route.
Hendes svar var hurtigere end forventet.Her response was faster than expected.
Den store kaffe er billigere end den lille.The large coffee is cheaper than the small one.
Din ide er mere kreativ end min.Your idea is more creative than mine.
Denne metode er mere effektiv end den gamle.This method is more effective than the old one.
Hans læsning er mere omfattende end hendes.His reading is more extensive than hers.
Denne bil er dyrere end den gamle model.This car is more expensive than the old model.
Hendes forklaring er klarere end hans.Her explanation is clearer than his.
Denne løsning er mere praktisk end den anden.This solution is more practical than the other one.
Dette tøj er mere behageligt end det andet.This clothing is more comfortable than the other.
Den nye teknologi er mere avanceret end den gamle.The new technology is more advanced than the old one.
Hendes stemme er blødere end hans.Her voice is softer than his.
Denne uge er mere hektisk end den sidste.This week is busier than the last one.
Din laptop er lettere end min.Your laptop is lighter than mine.
Denne bog er mere spændende end den foregående.This book is more exciting than the previous one.
Hendes præstationer er bedre end forventet.Her performances are better than expected.
Denne opgave er mere kompleks end den forrige.This task is more complex than the previous one.
Din ide er mere realistisk end min.Your idea is more realistic than mine.
Denne by er mere malerisk end den anden.This city is more picturesque than the other one.
Hans svar er mere detaljeret end hendes.His answer is more detailed than hers.

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