learn swedish sport: bodybuilding and fitness gym lesson

learn swedish online: bodybuilding and fitness gymlesson

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Do you want to speak swedish ? To learn swedish, you must acquire swedish words and know how to pronounce them correctly. Our free online lessons are tailored to help you learn danish effectively. In addition,..

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 Swedish is an interesting, yet complex, language. If you want to speak danish, you’ll need the right tools for the job. In this article, we’ve compiled some of the best resources available to help you learn effectively. No matter what your learning style or budget is.

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Learn swedish : bodybuilding and fitness gym lesson

List of sentences about the Learn bodybuilding and fitness gym

there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence.

Below is a list of 30 bodybuilding and fitness gym related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking swedish from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real swedish conversations. You will finally understand every swedish word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.

 learn swedish  Important Verbs in sentences

These sentences cover a range of common verbs used in everyday conversation in Swedish.

bodybuilding and fitness gym in swedish 

Swedish Verb Sentence in Swedish English Translation
Träna (to train) Jag tränar dagligen på gymmet I train daily at the gym
Lyfta (to lift) Jag lyfter tunga vikter I lift heavy weights
Stretcha (to stretch) Jag stretchar alltid före träningen I always stretch before exercising
Svettas (to sweat) Jag svettas under träningen I sweat during the workout
Näringsförsörja (to nourish) Min kost näringssörjer min kropp My diet nourishes my body
Underhålla (to maintain) Jag underhåller min träning regelbundet I maintain my fitness regularly
Utföra (to perform) Jag utför en serie repetitioner I perform a set of repetitions
Uppnå (to achieve) Jag försöker uppnå större muskler I'm trying to achieve bigger muscles
Övervaka (to monitor) Jag övervakar mitt hjärta under träningen I monitor my heart rate during exercise
Vägleda (to guide) En personlig tränare vägleder mig A personal trainer guides me
Bygga (to build) Mitt mål är att bygga muskler My goal is to build muscles
Förbättra (to improve) Jag vill förbättra min styrka I want to improve my strength
Andas (to breathe) Kom ihåg att andas rätt under övningarna Remember to breathe correctly during exercises
Värma upp (to warm up) Jag värmer alltid upp innan träningen I always warm up before the workout
Cykla (to cycle) Jag cyklar mina träningspass veckovis I cycle my workouts weekly
Simma (to swim) Simning är en utmärkt träningsform Swimming is an excellent form of exercise
Spänna (to tighten) Jag spänner mina muskler när jag lyfter I tighten my muscles when I lift
Äta (to eat) Jag äter en hälsosam måltid efter träningen I eat a healthy meal after the workout
Råda (to advise) En tränare råder mig om träningen A coach advises me on my training
Planera (to plan) Jag planerar mina träningsrutiner noggrant I plan my workout routines carefully
Inspektera (to inspect) Jag inspekterar mitt träningsutrustning I inspect my workout equipment
Anstränga (to tense) Jag anstränger mina muskler under övningen I tense my muscles during the exercise
Använda (to use) Jag använder olika redskap i träningen I use various equipment in training
Utmana (to challenge) Jag utmanar mig själv med tunga vikter I challenge myself with heavy weights
Vila (to rest) Tillräcklig vila mellan set är viktigt Adequate rest between sets is important
Pumpa (to pump) Jag pumpar mina muskler under träningen I pump my muscles during the exercise
Följa (to follow) Jag följer noggrant ett träningsprogram I closely follow a workout program
Arbeta (to work) Jag arbetar hårt för att uppnå mina mål I work hard to achieve my goals
Engagera (to engage in) Jag engagerar mig i fitness som en livsstil I engage in fitness as a lifestyle
Styra (to control) Jag styr min träning noggrant I control my training carefully

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