learn danish online: the Soccer Stadium lesson
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Learn danish : the Soccer Stadium lesson
List of sentences about the Soccer Stadium
there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence.
Below is a list of 30 the Soccer Stadium related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking danish from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real danish conversations. You will finally understand every danish word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.
These sentences cover a range of common used in bodybuilding and fitness gym in Danish.
the Soccer Stadium in danish
Danish Verb | Sentence in Danish | English Translation |
Spille (to play) | Vi spiller fodbold på stadion | We play soccer at the stadium |
Heppe (to cheer) | Vi hepper på holdet for sejr | We cheer for the team for victory |
Vinde (to win) | Vi håber, at holdet vinder | We hope the team wins |
Tabe (to lose) | Vi ønsker ikke, at holdet taber | We don't want the team to lose |
Score (to score) | Angriberen forsøger at score bolden | The forward tries to score the ball |
Forsvare (to defend) | Forsvaret blokerer modstanderens forsøg | The defense blocks the opponent's attempts |
Passe (to pass) | Han passerer bolden til midtbanen | He passes the ball to the midfield |
Sparke (to kick) | Spilleren sparker en hjørnespark | The player kicks a corner kick |
Træne (to practice) | Holdet træner hårdt | The team practices hard |
Træne (to coach) | Træneren coacher spillerne | The coach coaches the players |
Konkurrere (to compete) | Holdene konkurrerer om mesterskabet | The teams compete for the championship |
Løbe (to run) | Spilleren løber på banen | The player runs on the field |
Skyde (to shoot) | Spilleren skyder en frispark | The player takes a free-kick |
Kaste (to throw) | Målmanden kaster bolden ind på banen | The goalkeeper throws the ball onto the field |
Vælge (to select) | Træneren vælger startopstillingen | The coach selects the starting lineup |
Dømme (to referee) | Dommeren dømmer forseelser | The referee calls fouls |
Udføre (to perform) | Holdet udfører et hjørnespark | The team performs a corner kick |
Deltage (to participate) | Fans deltager i heppekor | Fans participate in cheering |
Blokere (to block) | Forsvarsspilleren blokerer modstanderen | The defender blocks the opponent |
Redde (to save) | Målmanden redder en svær situation | The goalkeeper saves a difficult situation |
Sikre (to secure) | Holdet forsøger at sikre sejren | The team tries to secure the victory |
Reagere (to react) | Spillerne reagerer hurtigt | The players react quickly |
Konkurrere (to compete) | Spillerne konkurrerer om boldbesiddelse | Players compete for ball possession |
Stræbe (to strive) | Holdet stræber efter mesterskabet | The team strives for the championship |
Fejre (to celebrate) | Målscoren fejrer et vellykket mål | The goal scorer celebrates a successful goal |
Kontrollere (to control) | Holdet forsøger at kontrollere spillet | The team tries to control the game |
Kæmpe (to fight) | Holdet kæmper for sejr | The team fights for victory |
Støtte (to support) | Fans støtter holdet | Fans support the team |
Modtage (to receive) | Spilleren modtager en aflevering | The player receives a pass |
Følge (to follow) | Som fans følger vi fodbold | As fans, we follow soccer |