Learn danish : cafeteria and coffee lesson with sentences in table

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Learn danish : cafeteria and coffee lesson

List of sentences about the cafeteria and coffee

 there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence.

Below is a list of 30 cafeteria and coffee related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking danish from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real danish conversations. You will finally understand every danish word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.

These sentences cover a range of common  used in cafeteria and coffeei n Danish.

 cafeteria and coffee in danish 
Danish Verb Sentence in Danish English Translation
bestille (to order) Jeg bestilte en cappuccino I ordered a cappuccino
drikke (to drink) Jeg drikker morgenkaffe hver dag I drink morning coffee every day
servere (to serve) De serverer lækre kager They serve delicious pastries
sidde (to sit) Jeg sidder altid ved vinduet I always sit by the window
nyde (to enjoy) Jeg nyder solen på terrassen I enjoy the sun on the terrace
blande (to mix) Hun blander sukkeret i sin kaffe She mixes the sugar into her coffee
hente (to get/fetch) Jeg går for at hente mere mælk I'm going to get more milk
vælge (to choose) Jeg kan vælge kaffe med eller uden fløde I can choose coffee with or without cream
sidde (to sit) Vi sad længe på caféen og snakkede We sat in the café for a long time chatting
læse (to read) Hun læser avisen ved sin kaffekop She reads the newspaper by her coffee cup
vågne (to wake up) Jeg vågner altid til duften af kaffe I always wake up to the smell of coffee
tilbyde (to offer) Kan jeg tilbyde dig mere kaffe? Can I offer you more coffee?
tilberede (to prepare) Baristaen tilbereder den perfekte cappuccino The barista prepares the perfect cappuccino
socialisere (to socialize) Caféen er et sted at socialisere med venner The café is a place to socialize with friends
smage (to taste) Jeg vil gerne smage denne specialkaffe I want to taste this specialty coffee
slurpe (to slurp) Jeg slurper min kaffe langsomt I slurp my coffee slowly
dele (to share) Vi kan dele kanelsneglen We can share the cinnamon bun
prøve (to try) Jeg vil gerne prøve en ny caféopskrift I want to try a new café recipe
købe (to buy) Jeg købte en frisk croissant I bought a fresh croissant
smagsætte (to flavor) Du kan selv smagsætte din kaffe You can flavor your coffee yourself
plante (to plant) De planter deres egne kaffebønner They plant their own coffee beans
følge (to follow) Jeg følger caféens sociale medier I follow the café's social media
brygge (to brew) Caféen brygger sin morgenkaffe langsomt The café brews its morning coffee slowly
hælde (to pour) Hun hælder mælk over kaffen She pours milk over the coffee
vælge (to select) Du kan vælge mellem forskellige typer kaffe You can select from various types of coffee
skære (to cut) Jeg skærer kagen over I cut the cake in half
lave (to make) Jeg laver altid min egen espresso I always make my own espresso
nyde (to savor) Jeg nyder kaffen og stilheden I savor the coffee and the quiet
lokke (to entice) Duften af friskt brød lokker kunderne The scent of fresh bread entices customers
slappe af (to relax) Caféen er et sted at slappe af The café is a place to relax

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