learn danish online:
The airport lesson
Free danish lessons
Do you want to speak danish ? To learn danish, you must acquire danish words and know how to pronounce them correctly. Our free online lessons are tailored to help you learn danish effectively. In addition,..
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vagoor delivers online danish lessons designed the way you learn best. Activities and games make learning more effective, more personal, and more fun. In addition, our drip-feed approach dramatically increases your ability to retain the danish language. Thus, preparing you with the danish you need for a trip or getting a job.
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Teach yourself danish, Learn with vagoor free lessons. There is no risk and no contract. Learn to speak danish. Totally free!
Danisi is an interesting, yet complex, language. If you want to speak danish, you’ll need the right tools for the job. In this article, we’ve compiled some of the best resources available to help you learn effectively. No matter what your learning style or budget is.
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Learn danish : the airport lesson
List of sentences about airportList of sentences about the Learn airport
, there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence..
Below is a list of 25 airport related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking danish from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real danish conversations. You will finally understand every danish word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.
learn danish airport in sentences
Airport in danish
English | Danish |
Where is the check-in counter? | Hvor er check-in skranken? |
I'd like to book a flight | Jeg vil gerne booke en flyrejse |
What time does my flight depart? | Hvornår afgår mit fly? |
Could you help me with my baggage? | Kan du hjælpe mig med min bagage? |
Is this the right gate for my flight? | Er dette den rigtige gate til min flyrejse? |
I need to go through security | Jeg skal igennem sikkerhedskontrollen |
Where can I find the boarding pass? | Hvor finder jeg boardingkortet? |
Do I need to show my ID? | Skal jeg vise min ID? |
Can I get a window seat? | Kan jeg få en vinduesplads? |
How much luggage can I carry? | Hvor meget bagage må jeg have med? |
My flight has been delayed | Mit fly er blevet forsinket |
Is there a duty-free shop here? | Er der en toldfri butik her? |
What time should I board the plane? | Hvornår skal jeg gå om bord på flyet? |
Are there any restaurants in the airport? | Er der nogen restauranter i lufthavnen? |
I have a layover in Copenhagen | Jeg har mellemlanding i København |
Can you tell me the Wi-Fi password? | Kan du fortælle mig Wi-Fi-adgangskoden? |
Is there a charging station for my phone? | Er der en opladningsstation til min telefon? |
Excuse me, where are the restrooms? | Undskyld mig, hvor er toilettet? |
My luggage is missing | Min bagage er forsvundet |
Is there an information desk? | Er der en informationsdisk? |
Can I buy a SIM card here? | Kan jeg købe et SIM-kort her? |
I need to change my seat assignment | Jeg skal ændre min pladsreservation |
What time is the next flight to London? | Hvornår er næste fly til London? |
Do I need to pay an airport tax? | Skal jeg betale en lufthavnsskat? |
Can you help me find the baggage claim area? | Kan du hjælpe mig med at finde bagageudleveringsområdet? |