learn norwegian online:
The school lesson
Free norwegian lessons
Do you want to speak norwegian? To learn norwegian, you must acquire norwegian words and know how to pronounce them correctly. Our free online lessons are tailored to help you learn norwegian effectively. In addition,..
Study norwegian in just 5 minutes a day
vagoor delivers online norwegian lessons designed the way you learn best. Activities and games make learning more effective, more personal, and more fun. In addition, our drip-feed approach dramatically increases your ability to retain the dutch language. Thus, preparing you with the norwegian you need for a trip or getting a job.
Learn norwegian & Speak norwegian
Teach yourself norwegian, Learn with vagoor free lessons. There is no risk and no contract. Learn to speak norwegian. Totally free!
norwegian is an interesting, yet complex, language. If you want to speak norwegian, you’ll need the right tools for the job. In this article, we’ve compiled some of the best resources available to help you learn effectively. No matter what your learning style or budget is.
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Learn norwegian : the school lesson
List of sentences about schoolList of sentences about the Learn school
there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence..
Below is a list of 28 sports related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking norwegian from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real norwegian conversations. You will finally understand every norwegian word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.
learn norwegian school in sentences
School in norwegian
Norwegian | English |
Jeg går på skolen hver dag | I go to school every day |
Læreren min er veldig flink | My teacher is very skilled |
Vi har en prøve i morgen | We have a test tomorrow |
Jeg liker å lese bøker | like to read books |
Matematikk er mitt favorittfag | Mathematics is my favorite subject |
Jeg tar notater i timen | I take notes in class |
Skolen begynner klokken åtte | School starts at eight o'clock |
Jeg trenger en blyant og papir | I need a pencil and paper |
Vi har gym i dag | We have physical education today |
Kan du hjelpe meg med leksene? | Can you help me with my homework? |
Vi har et prosjekt som skal leveres neste uke | We have a project due next week |
Jeg er med i skolekoret | I am part of the school choir |
Skolebiblioteket har mange interessante bøker | The school library has many interesting books |
Jeg skal ta eksamen i slutten av året | I will take an exam at the end of the year |
Vi skal på skoletur til museet | We are going on a school trip to the museum |
Læreren gir oss mange oppgaver å gjøre | The teacher gives us many assignments to do |
Jeg liker å være med i skoleteateret | I like to be part of the school theater |
Jeg sitter ved siden av vennene mine i klassen | I sit next to my friends in class |
Vi har en mattetest i dag | We have a math test today |
Vi har en viktig presentasjon i morgen | We have an important presentation tomorrow |
Skoleåret varer i ni måneder | The school year lasts for nine months |
Jeg har lært mye på skolen | I have learned a lot at school |
Vi har en gruppeoppgave i naturfag | We have a group assignment in science |
Jeg har matpakke med meg til skolen | I bring a packed lunch to school |
Vi får sommerferie om noen uker | We will have summer vacation in a few weeks |