Learn norwegian : Friends lesson with sentences in table

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The Friends lesson

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Do you want to speak norwegian? To learn norwegian, you must acquire norwegian words and know how to pronounce them correctly. Our free online lessons are tailored to help you learn norwegian effectively. In addition,..

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Learn norwegian : the Friends lesson

List of sentences about Friends 

List of sentences about the Learn Friends 

 there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence..

Below is a list of 28 sports related phrases. If you could memorize it, would you like to start speaking norwegian from the very first lesson? you will! Our hands-on lessons guide you through real norwegian conversations. You will finally understand every norwegian word you hear. Learn lessons for free Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or culture? You get lessons based on your goals and needs.

  learn norwegian Friends in sentences

Friends in norwegian 

Norwegian English
Han/hun er min beste venn He/she is my best friend
Jeg tilbringer mye tid med vennene mine I spend a lot of time with my friends
Vi har mange felles interesser We have many common interests
Venner støtter hverandre i vanskelige tider Friends support each other in difficult times
Jeg nyter selskapet til vennene mine I enjoy the company of my friends
Vi har det gøy sammen We have fun together
Venner lytter til hverandres bekymringer Friends listen to each other's worries
Vi kan stole på hverandre We can trust each other
Venner er som familie Friends are like family
Vi drar ofte på utflukter sammen We often go on outings together
Vi hjelper hverandre med oppgaver We help each other with tasks
Vennskap er viktig i livet mitt Friendship is important in my life
Vi deler hemmeligheter med hverandre We share secrets with each other
Venner oppmuntrer hverandre til å nå mål Friends encourage each other to achieve goals
Jeg kan være meg selv i vennenes selskap I can be myself in the company of my friends
Venner gir gode råd Friends give good advice
Delte minner med venner er dyrebare Shared memories with friends are precious
Vi har en lignende sans for humor We have a similar sense of humor
Venner hjelper meg å vokse mentalt Friends help me grow mentally
Jeg kan stole på vennene mine i enhver situasjon I can trust my friends in any situation
Jeg føler meg lykkelig i vennenes selskap I feel happy in the company of my friends
Det er et sterkt bånd mellom oss There is a strong bond between us
Venner gir meg styrke Friends give me strength
Jeg elsker å tilbringe tid med vennene mine I love spending time with my friends
Venner gir livet mitt mening Friends give meaning to my life

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