learn Finnish online: food lesson
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Do you want to speak Finnish? To learn Finnish, you must acquire Finnish words and know how to pronounce them correctly. Our free online lessons are tailored to help you learn Finnish effectively. In addition,..
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Hei! Voitko puhua suomea? Finnish is an interesting, yet complex, language. If you want to speak Finnish, you’ll need the right tools for the job. In this article, we’ve compiled some of the best resources available to help you learn effectively. No matter what your learning style or budget is.
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Learn finnish online: food lesson
sentences List about Food
Below is a list of 25 sentences related to food such as fruits, vegetables and edible items. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to buy many food necessities from the supermarket or off the menu in a restaurant without a problem.
food in Finnish
English | Finnish (Suomi) |
I love pizza | Rakastan pizzaa |
She enjoys sushi | Hän nauttii sushista |
We eat breakfast | Syömme aamiaista |
He cooks dinner | Hän valmistaa illallisen |
They ordered pasta | He tilasivat pastaa |
Do you like seafood? | Pidätkö merenelävistä? |
I am a vegetarian | Olen kasvissyöjä |
The soup is hot | Keitto on kuumaa |
Can I have some tea? | Voinko saada hieman teetä? |
We need groceries | Tarvitsemme ruokatarvikkeita |
This cake is sweet | Tämä kakku on makea |
They prefer spicy food | He pitävät tulisesta ruoasta |
I want a sandwich | Haluan voileivän |
She likes chocolate | Hän pitää suklaasta |
We often eat out | Syömme usein ulkona |
He is a chef | Hän on kokki |
Can you pass the salt? | Voitko antaa suolaa? |
The fruit is fresh | Hedelmät ovat tuoreita |
They are cooking together | He kokkaavat yhdessä |
I'm allergic to nuts | Olen allerginen pähkinöille |
We are having a barbecue | Meillä on grillijuhlat |
She baked a cake | Hän leipoi kakun |
Do you want some coffee? | Haluatko kahvia? |
They grow their own vegetables | He kasvattavat omat vihannekset |
I enjoy trying new cuisines | Nautin uusien ruokakulttuurien kokeilemisesta |
We need to buy groceries | Meidän täytyy ostaa ruokatarvikkeita |