Learn dutch online people lesson
Vocabulary List about People
Below is a list of 24 words related to people such as family members, siblings ... etc. At the end of the list, there will be examples where those terms are used in a sentence.
People in Dutch
People | Dutch |
Aunt | tante |
Baby | Babu |
Boy | jongen |
Brother | broer |
Child (female) | Meisje |
Child (male) | Jongen |
Cousin (female) | Nicht |
Cousin (male) | Neef |
Daughter | dochter |
Father | vader |
Girl | meisje |
Grandfather | grootvader / opa |
Grandmother | grootmoeder / oma |
Husband | man |
Man | man |
Mother | moeder |
Nephew | neefje |
Niece | nichtje |
People | mensen |
Sister | zus |
Son | zoon |
Uncle | oom |
Wife | vrouw |
Woman | vrouw |