Learn finnish online: food lesson
Vocabulary List about Food
Below is a list of 50 words related to food such as fruits, vegetables and edible items. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to buy many food necessities from the supermarket or off the menu in a restaurant without a problem.
Food List in Finnish
Food | Finnish | |
Breakfast | aamiainen | |
Lunch | lounas | |
Dinner | päivällinen | |
Meal | ateria | |
Apples | omenoita | |
Avocados | Avokadoja | |
Bananas | banaaneja | |
Beans | Papuja | |
Bread | leipä | |
Butter | voi | |
Carrots | porkkanoita | |
Cheese | juusto | |
Chicken | kana | |
Coffee | kahvi | |
Corn | Maissia | |
Cucumbers | Kurkkuja | |
Eggs | kananmunat | |
Figs | Viikunoita | |
Fish | kala | |
Food | ruoka | |
Fruit | hedelmiä | |
Garlic | Valkosipulia | |
Grapes | Rypäleitä | |
Ice cream | jäätelö | |
Lemons | sitruunoita | |
Lettuce | Salaattia | |
Meat | liha | |
Milk | maito | |
Olives | Oliiveja | |
Onions | sipuleita | |
Orange juice | appelsiinimehu | |
Oranges | appelsiineja | |
Peaches | Persikoita | |
Pears | Päärynoitä | |
Peppers | Pippureita | |
Pineapples | Ananaksia | |
Pizza | Pizza / Pitsa | |
Potatoes | perunoita | |
Pumpkin | Kurpitsoja | |
Salad | salaatti | |
Salt | suola | |
Sandwich | voileipä | |
Soda (like Coke) | limukka | limppari |
Strawberries | Mansikoita | |
Sugar | sokeri | |
Tea | tee | |
Tomatoes | tomaatteja | |
Vegetables | Vihannekset | |
Water | vesi | |
Watermelon | Vesimeloneja |