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vocabulary Schol
Vocabulary List about School
Below is a list of 26 words related to school and
classrooms. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able communicate to
a teacher/students many objects in your class.
School Words in Norwegian
School |
Norwegian |
Answer |
Svar |
Book |
bok |
Books |
bøker |
Chair |
stol |
Desk |
skrivepult |
Dictionary |
ordbok |
Laptop |
Bærbar PC |
Library |
bibliotek |
(paper notebook) |
Notatbok |
Page |
side |
Paper |
papir |
Pen |
penn |
Pencil |
blyant |
Question |
spørsmål |
School |
Skole |
Student |
student |
Teacher |
lærer |
University |
Universitet |
Education in norwegian
The Norwegian school system can be divided into three parts: Elementary school (Barneskole, ages 6–13), lower secondary school (Ungdomsskole, ages 13–16), and upper secondary school (Videregående skole, ages 16–19). The Barneskole and Ungdomsskole levels are compulsory, and are commonly referred to as Grunnskole (literally translates to "'base-school").
Elementary and lower secondary school are mandatory for all children aged 6–16. Before 1997, mandatory education in Norway started at the age of 7. Students often have to change school when they enter lower secondary school and almost always have to change school when they enter upper secondary school, as many schools only offer one of the levels.