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Vocabulary Human Body
Vocabulary List about the Human Body
Below is a list of 20 words related to human body. If
you can memorize them by heart, you might be able to communicate to your doctor
if you have amy pain or discomfort.
Human Body List in Dutch
Body |
Dutch |
Arm |
arm |
Back |
rug |
Chest |
borst |
Ear |
oor |
Eye |
oog |
Face |
gezicht |
Feet |
voeten |
Fingers |
vingers |
Hair |
haar |
Hand |
hand |
Head |
hoofd |
Heart |
hart |
Leg |
been |
Mouth |
mond |
Neck |
nek (back)
/ hals (front) |
Nose |
neus |
Shoulder |
schouder |
Stomach |
maag |
Teeth |
gebit /
tanden |
Tongue |
tong |