learn danish Consonants

learn danish Consonants


Danish has 20 consonants. However, c, q, w, x and z are only used in words of foreign origin. All Danish consonants are short. A double consonant does not indicate length, but usually has the function of showing that the

preceding vowel is short.

The pairs of consonants b-p, d-t, g-k are only different at the beginning of a word. For example, k in lække (leak) sounds exactly like g in lægge (lay). Similarly p and b sound the same in stoppe (stop) and ebbe (low tide), as do t and d in sætte (set) and bredde (width). The letters p, t, k are also pronounced as b, d, g after s: spise (eat), stave (spell) and skinne (shine).

Letter How to pronounce it

b d

like b in bed

like d in dog

In front of unstressed e (with a few exceptions) and at

the end of a word similar to th in the

like f in fine

like g in go

In front of unstressed e (with a few exceptions) and at the end of a word, g combines with the preceding vowel to form a diphthong, or is not pronounced

like h in heaven h is not pronounced before v and j

like y in yes

like c in come

When k is followed by n, the k

is pronounced like I in lie

identical to English m

identical to English n

like p in pain

The quality of r varies according to its position in a word. At the beginning and after a consonant

it is a back-tongue consonant with very little friction.

After a vowel it is pronounced with greater distance between the tongue and the back of the

mouth and no friction at all. In this position it affects the

vowel, resulting in a more open vowel sound and is barely audible as a separate sound. høre (hear),

Unstressed -er is pronounced venter (wa

like or in mortality.

like s in sea and house

like t in take

like v in very

pronounced like s in front of e, i, y, æ and s;

as k before a, o and u;

ch is pronounced as sh in shell, except in recent loan words 

at the beginning of a word as s; xylofon after a vowel as ks

pronounced as s

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