Learn on-line language! Free course to learn French language : Essentials lesson

Free French Lessons

Free French Lessons Online with Audio

 Learning French, like any other new language, implies a lot of memorization, and often, as adults, our memory is not what it used to be. So what is the best way to learn French? These 12 tips will help you memorize new information longer, and learn French more efficiently.

Table of Contents

12. Always Study French with Audio

11. Be in Touch with your Own Learning Style

10. Self Studying is NOT for Everybody

9. Beware of Free French learning tools

8. Translate French Into English as Little as Possible

7. Link French to Images and Visual Situations, not English words

6. Be Careful With French Cognates

5. Avoid Writing in Your Head

4. Learn French in Sentences

3. Prioritize

2. Study French Regularly, for a Short Time, not all in one Sitting

1. Review – Repetition is the Key!

Learn on-line language! Free course to learn French language : Essentials lesson here

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